Rice detection is crucial for several reasons across different stages of the rice industry in maintaining rice quality and safety, protecting crops, and streamlining trade. In order to compare Basmati rice with other nonaromatic rice, adulterant DNA can be identified in the rice samples by real-time PCR utilizing primers that amplify up a brief segment of the reference gene. In this instance, an intrinsic regulator found in rice is synthesized using both a forward and a reverse primer, with the latter binding. Therefore, the development of screening techniques and monitoring programs appears to be significant in this context given the rise in illegal genetically modified rice varieties on the market and the ethical quandaries associated with giving consumers an informed choice. This rice detection kit is a valuable tool to identify specific markers in rice grain samples such as Identify Adulteration even for premium types like Basmati, Verify GMO Content, Diagnose Rice Diseases like bacterial blight, allowing for early intervention and improved crop management. The rapid results, ease of use, high accuracy, field deployability, and scalability of this simplified convention make it an optimal option for rice growers, millers, food processors, distributors, compliance testing, and research institutions conducting rice breeding and disease resistance investigations.